We are DEC14-02.

We are desiging a wireless replacement for an off-highway vehicle's virtual
terminals. Our client Vermeer is asking us to construct this from scratch.
We have so far made good progress, both in implementing the hardware
and software necessary. Take a look around the site to learn more!

Why Choose our product over others?

Our product is more cost-effective overall. The price per feature highly outweighs those of our competitors. Ability to customize, ease of use, and security will help our clients' customers complete their desired tasks more efficiently and effectively.

  • Feature 1
  • Feature 3
  • Feature 5
  • Feature 6

Introducing the Team

Alec Johanson

Alec does a lot of stuff, he even saved the world once.

Ahmad Muaz Mohd Khairi

Is a super genius, all the way from Malaysia. That's pretty cool.

John Shelley

Software Engineer, WebMaster, Android Developer.

Don't forget about our Advisors

Koray Celik

Arun Somani

Want to see some of our Work?

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